Evgefsis - Oinomelo Rhodes

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Our company "Evgefsis" which is based in Rhodes, is active in the production and trade of aromatised wines and spirits, offering products unique in taste and quality. Our passion for creation and our love for tradition gave us the inspiration to start making our own wine. Wine with honey has its roots in Ancient Greece and is a local Rhodian product that every visitor to our island should try. The product ‘Oinomelo’ is the result of a mixture between wine and honey. It is a beverage which has its roots in Ancient Greece, which was suitable to drink at all times of the day. There are lots of references in Greek Mythology and history with regards to this beverage. The White oinomelo has a sophisticated flavor balancing the sweetness of honey and the gourmet character of ginger, while offering the refreshing aura of lemon and the distinctive flavor of mastic. Served cold (8-10 degrees Celsius) The Rose oinomelo has mild gentle taste with aromas of red fruits, strawberry and cherry. Served cold (10-12 degrees Celsius). The Red oinomelo has a rich and strong flavor, aromas of aromatic wood, honeycomb, coriander and citrus. Served at room temperature ( 18 degrees celcius), but can also be served hot for a different taste experience.

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